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HomeNewsOwners being reminded that pets can find fireworks scary

Owners being reminded that pets can find fireworks scary

You’re being reminded that fireworks can be scary for animals you have at home.

Unexpected loud noises and flashing lights can make your pets feel anxious, and some animals will even run away in fear, or become injured with escape attempts.

It’s recommended that you keep your animals indoors during firework displays, making sure to close windows and doors. If you need to take your dog outside, keep them leashed to prevent them from bolting and becoming lost.

Chelsea Kerr is with the Ontario SPCA Leeds and Grenville and she says they received a high volume of calls for missing pets last year on Canada Day.

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“Last year we had over 700 animals that we reunited with their owners, it is definitely a matter that comes up.”

You should also ensure your pet wears a properly fitted collar and ID tags.

Owners should also walk their dog before it gets dark to avoid going outside once the fireworks start.


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